Donate to Lifeline South Coast
& help answer life saving calls

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All donations go directly towards your local South Coast community

Please give generously

Help to prevent more suicides and donate $50 today!
Empower Lifeline and make a real difference to lives
Save a life with your donation

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Save Lives: The Power of Monthly Giving at
Lifeline South Coast

In the journey to prevent suicide and safe lives, we invite you to become a cornerstone of support through
monthly donations to Lifeline South Coast.

Your consistent commitment ensures a steady lifeline for those in crisis, allowing us to sustain and expand our vital services.

Monthly donations provide the foundation for immediate response, ongoing training, and community support. With your monthly support, we can answer more calls, reach more individuals in crisis, and work tirelessly towards our mission of an Australia free of suicide.

Join us in this transformative mission; your monthly contribution is not just a donation—it's a beacon of hope and a tangible force for positive change. Take the step to make a lasting impact today by becoming a monthly donor.

Together, we can save lives and build a future where every call is answered, every heart is heard, and every life matters.



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