Anne Lawson

Wollongong Running Festival

Help Me Go Get It For Lifeline South Coast

Iā€™m fundraising for Lifeline South Coast so that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.

Sadly, nine Australians die every day by suicide ā€“ which is more than double the road toll. We need your help to bring hope and support to people when they need it most.

Right now, there is a new call to Lifeline every 30 seconds. With your help, that next caller will be heard and receive the help they so desperately need.
Every dollar raised will help to answer every call to Lifeline South Coast and deliver vital suicide prevention services and training to people of the Illawarra and South Coast.

Please donate today!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ann Edmunds


Harry Bowden


Craig Inwood

Go annie



Great cause Anne. If you need a support crew let us know


Nathan Stafford


Nathan Rae

Great effort! Good luck Anne


Liisa Ups




Michelle Brown


Matt Rowles

Great cause Anne. Well done & good luck with it


Ron & Jan Dillon

We are with you Blos


Kim Whitaker


Nicole Thompson

Go girl šŸ’•


Scott Dillon

Go Anne! Training looking good so far you’ve got this


Tracy Ups


Steph Gelland

A great cause Anne! You’ve got this run in the bag x



Go for it my running buddy!!! Miss our runs xx




Hayley Cameron